The more I clean the more messy it  becomes.

I am here trying to get my room sorted, I will soon have to put away the winter clothes and seeing that I only have about 3 months left here in Taiwan I decided to just start sorting my room now.


Cleaning House

Posted by Adriana
Last night I was hanging out with some of my Caribbean sisters here in Taiwan; ladies from Nevis, St Lucia and my home- St Vincent.

Well you know how these conversations among women go, you talk a bit about careers, family, men, new trends (attitude, fashion...) and almost any other thing you can think of.


One Caribbean

Posted by Adriana
They say hindsight is always 20/20 and no one knows this better than a woman at the end of a relationship.  If we were always allowed to see the end of relationships before we became entangled we obviously would avoid the pain that some endings bring us.
I believe the amount of time and effort it takes to get over a relationship is always triple the effort of actually staying in the relationship.  Some relationships are simply a matter of ‘convenience’ and I guess it is easier to get over those; however, more often than not we become involved in relationships because we see a future and so we begin investing.


Let Go!

Posted by Adriana
A time comes in your life when you finally get it. When in the
midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere
the voice inside your head cries out - ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or
struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum,
your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears
and through a mantle of wet lashes you begin to look at the world through new
eyes. This is your awakening.


The Awakening

Posted by Adriana
So last night while working on my thesis I tried emailing a copy to my hotmail account. I did this because I figure it is always best to save any file in multiple locations. While attempting to open the file I got a message saying the file was "corrupt". Ok I dismissed that closed hotmail and then went to open the file from my external hard drive itself, new message "file path disabled" or something along this line. Well panic began to creep in I spent close to 3 hours trying to open this file before I went to a tech to the shop the guy spent an hour or so and couldn't get the file opened.


Cry but pray too!!

Posted by Adriana
Agree to disagree
We don’t all look alike even identical twins are not mirror reflections of each other. We are born into different economic conditions, have different colour eyes, different goals in life, different life philosophies…
It should not amaze us then that we don’t always see eye to eye.


Agree to disagree

Posted by Adriana
Hate the action not the person...
For many of us actions take on a different meaning in relation to who carries them out.  We find many reasons to justify these actions, that is not a fault in the truest sense after all murder before one judge becomes self-defence in the eyes of another. How then do we decide upon an action or our response to an action?
That’s just it we need to in most circumstances decide upon the action not the person.  If it is wrong for me to lie then it should be wrong for you to lie. We should never be so caught up in appearances or in societal hierarchies that we become afraid of naming actions as wrong or right.  Too often we become blinded by people or by offices and begin to validate actions that on another day, a different perpetrator we would be first to condemn.
We are all imperfect beings living daily trying to become better at social interactions, we will make mistakes, some repeatedly some just once.  Wrongs are always wrongs no matter how we are allowed to validate them.

Hate the Act

Posted by Adriana

Mrs. Gillian John, nee Marshall, my former supervisor and friend, has served in the Public Service of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for umpteen years.  She has been a tower of strength to her husband, children, grandchildren and siblings.


Mrs. Gillian John

Posted by Adriana

Image source:

International Women's Day

International women's day has a particular character this year for me because it is already more than a year since the devastating January 12 earthquake hit my dear country and that the sons and daughters of this island deploy all efforts to recover from the bloodshed and rebuild.


Haiti's Women

Posted by Adriana

Luzette King is a Vincentian who lives in Washington, D.C.  Prior to relocating to the United States she lived in London, United Kingdom for most of her adult life. Among other activities, she is producer of Global Highlights, a weekly radio show segment of Nice Vibes hosted by Ferand ‘Randy D’ Dopwell and can be heard on Saturdays at 8:55 am (Caribbean Time) on Nice Radio or FM SVG: 90.3, 96.7, 101.3.   Global Highlights examines global developments and how they affect the Caribbean and its Diaspora.

Luzette King

Posted by Adriana


Yvette Daniel, my mother and my best-friend may appear to be just an ordinary person to others but to me and to all who knows her she’s a queen and definitely the strongest person I know.
Though she was not born in the best of circumstances, she fought her way through the obstacles and apparent dead ends of life to become the educated, intelligent, wise and God-fearing woman she is today.


Yvette Daniel

Posted by Adriana


Earlene Horne: True Ambassador

by Cheryl Johnson
Thursday 26 October 2000
Long before I understood the real meaning of development and struggle, Earlene knew. Not only did she know, she articulated intelligently on issues nationally, regionally and internationally. Her most serious concerns were politics, agriculture, education, youth, women, culture and community development in general.
She was convinced that women should be involved in the decision making process and got involved in the leadership of the United People’s Movement (UPM) when there were only a few women involved in politics in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in general. She was a frequent speaker on the political rostrum of UPM calling for social equity. She was also a member of POWER, a committee set up to nurture and encourage women to become involved in politics.

Earlene Horne

Posted by Adriana
Marcelline Chitolie is the founder and President of Etiquette and Protocol Academy in St. Lucia which was launched in January, 2011.  She helps children and adults raise their etiquette and protocol image so that they have confidence in any social or business setting.  Executives, young professionals and students learn vital skills to avoid social blunders and make favourable impressions in any environment.  Fast paced, interactive, fun courses are offered in Children’s Etiquette, Teen Etiquette, Techno Etiquette, Interviewing Etiquette and Protocol.


Marcelline Chitolie

Posted by Adriana

Professor Rhoda Reddock, national of Trinidad and Tobago and esteemed scholar of the Caribbean Community, is the seventh outstanding woman from the Caribbean Community to receive the CARICOM Triennial Award for Women.

Professor Rhoda Reddock

Posted by Adriana
When are we going to stop talking about pre-marital sex as though it’s the worse sin ever?

Most of us have engaged in pre-marital sex, most of us are the products of pre-marital sex and so are our children. Yet, we live in a society where young people are always counselled about pre-marital sex by persons who would never say, “I have engaged in pre-marital sex and that is why I am qualified to let you know, you will not be missing out on anything, believe you me, you could wait”.


Pre-marital sex

Posted by Adriana
Violent Political discourse eventually leads to violence

"Words — so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become, in the hands of one who knows how to combine them!" Nathaniel Hawthorne
Some of us have studied the power of words on minds so we have become, poets, lawyers, teachers, script writers, editors, journalists, historians, ad. agents, campaign managers, politicians… Some of us though refuse to see words as being significant, in altering the behaviour of people and some of us just pretend that it is “just a campaign”, or “only a slogan” because it suits our cause.  Child psychologists would tell you if you call a child “stupid” over and over eventually he might think himself to be stupid.  We see the powers of words on spouses who are abused, they hear “I love you and it won’t happen again” so often that every time the abuse reoccurs they simply push it under the rug, some of these women sadly are eventually pushed under the rug of our lives.

Violent Political discourse

Posted by Adriana

This one is for the haters, and for all of you who keep sending me friend requests when you don’t know me, and yea I am talking to you as well who always coming on facebook to update your status as if somebody wants to know where you are and what you doing.
Yes I am sure you have seen this before.

Facebook Drama

Posted by Adriana

Facts, Assumptions and Integrity

Facts- that which has been proven
Assumption-that which could possibly one day be a fact but is yet to be proven
Integrity- that inner quality that drives us towards honesty


Posted by Adriana
This is not an attempt to quote scripture on whether or not Christians should be involved in politics instead this is simply my way of trying to understand why often Christians who are involved in politics seem to call upon God only at their convenience.

Christians and Politics

Posted by Adriana
On March 8th I will be posting as many articles as I get on women who are  making or have made a positive impact in their communties!!  Feel free to send me something on a Caribbean woman you know.


Women's Day 2011

Posted by Adriana

Email Etiquette

1. You must not send me more than 2 fwds per day and a maximum of 4 per week.

2. You must not send me emails that will:

ruin my sex life


Email Etiquette

Posted by Adriana
It takes a strong woman to remain true to herself and true to womanhood even when involved in politics.  The traditional roles of women are not extinct nor are they to be pushed aside.  We are simply at a point in history where we can choose to go beyond those roles.  Our voice is becoming stronger and so for many of us the problem now is how to balance it all.


Women and Politics

Posted by Adriana

Lights, Camera, Action!! Wait! Are you wearing the right costume?

We are “profiled” by everyone whether they want to term it as that or not and whether we want to accept it or not; quite frankly it is human nature. Classic example boy/girl is asked: what is the first thing you look for in a potential mate, our answer most times- personality. Really now? I used to laugh at this answer but


Posted by Adriana
Baby Mama Drama 
Today I saw you and that new girl you are seeing
The one with the thick thighs and the bold eyes,
And I stood there in that shop window across the street
Looking at you, looking at her.

Baby Mama Drama

Posted by Adriana
Nurturer, caregiver, preserver of life
Abuse by the very one in whom you trust


Posted by Adriana
Ms. Roseclair Charles, my co-worker and friend, has spent the majority of her life in the business of helping, guiding and teaching. She began her journey as a nurse and today is a social worker and counselor in St. Vincent & the Grenadines.

Ms. Charles has contributed to

Ms. Roseclair Charles

Posted by Adriana