My sister posted this link on Facebook, and I just had to share it with you.

Click here: love, Soul ties, Lust, Self Hate

Too many of us, men and women, are walking around pretending to be happy in relationships with people who do not love themselves and so are unable to love us.

We have grown so used to the these relationships that we think we do not deserve better.

When you accept someone disrespecting you by lying, cheating, and abusing you in any way  then you are in essence saying to them , "This is me and I am not worth anything."

I was looking at a  movie recently in which this woman, who was abusing her body (forcing herself to throw up etc.), said to her husband- I love you. His response to her was - That's the problem, you love me more than you love yourself, more than you love God.


Love is not pain, lies, deceit, manipulation...

Posted by Adriana