No, no, not the kind you see in movies or hear about in stories but the kind who might be sitting beside you right now.

You might be one and you don't even know it.


Zombies are real...

Posted by Adriana

1.     You sent  in an application, and your email address is something close to one of the following:,,,,, Yo get the drift right? 

Most likely who ever you sent that application to, looking for a job, saw your email address, sucked their teeth and went on to more important things on their list of tasks for the day. Find an email address that sells you as a professional!

2.     The person you sent your email address decided to check your Facebook profile and realized that yo not only proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel but yo could hold yo liquor quite well, and very often…and that yo seem to be the baddest youth bout the place, ...every pan knock yo dey dey… Clean up yo Facebook profile nuh!

3.     Your application was filled with spelling and grammatical errors and or had a weak structure. Trust me, ain't nobody got time to try to figure out what you trying to say. Spell check please!


10 Possible reasons why yo can't get ah job.

Posted by Adriana

Written by: 
10/15/2013 1:37 PM  RssIcon

At St. John’s Riverside Hospital, innovative techniques open the door to safer, more efficient treatment for many patients previously contraindicated for gynecologic surgery.

Suzanne Greenidge, MD, FACOG, Senior Clinical Attending at St. John’s Riverside Hospital, says surgeons at the Yonkers hospital embrace the trend away from traditional open procedures to less invasive surgeries associated with minimal complications and faster recoveries.


Posted by Adriana