Get Better Friends

Oh how we love our friends to have our backs, when instead they should bathe us in a bucket of cold water.

You might seem to be powerful and dreadful when you brag about the bad things you have done and I suppose that when your friends cheer you on you feel even more the 'bad John' or should I say the 'bad Jane'.

So you called up that guy you used to see and curse him out because... and your friends say- "Yea girl you show them".

You call, text, email that girl who is sleeping with your boyfriend to tell her how...and your friends say- "Yea girl you show them".

You go to your baby daddy's work place and create a scene so that ... and your friends say- "Yea girl you show them".

You physically assault your baby daddy's person or property because... and your friends say- "Yea girl you show them".

You  go to work dressed as though you are going down the street to lime because after all...and your friends say- "Yea girl you show them".

I could go on and on but your friends will still say  - "Yea girl you show them".

They are not your friends.

If you know people who encourage every stupid thing you have ever done or plan to do, honey, you need better friends before your behind ends up in jail; because when you do they wont be bringing you baby wipes and shampoo. Get rid of them.

If you have people that don't encourage you to strive for better and to do better. Get rid of them.

If you know people who frown at your every success, who would sabotage every move you make; people who would discourage your every effort simply because you are rising too fast. Get rid of them.

When you find people who are willing to point out your flaws and point you in the right direction, even though they know that a thousand others are cheering you on to do bad and you might just not be ready for the truth. Hold on to them.

Hold on to people who stand by you and who stand up for you, when they see your good.

Hold on to people who love  you no matter what and would do anything for you to be a better person, and to achieve greater things.

It is so hard sometimes to recognize the persons we need to let go, because sometimes they are just our biggest 'backers', but seriously love you need to get better friends.

One Response so far.

  1. Shaddy says:

    Very good post. I totally agree. We really need to be mindful of our associations because they shape who we are.

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