Egg Shells

Ever found yourself creeping around someone, around a relationship?

It is a lot like walking on egg shells or trying not to walk on them for that matter.

 All your time is spent thinking of what you should or shouldn't say, and so you run out of time to actually say anything. You second guess all your moves and so you remain motionless. If you've been there then I know you understand if not well just bear with me.

We usually get to this place because of an 'odd' moment, saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing at what seemed like the right time, of course the thing itself always seems right at the time we are doing it...

 I remember a few years ago at a camp we were playing truth or dare and we were going in alphabetical order...Ahh boy woe be unto me. Now this game had no dare we were only allowed truths...was a church camp nuh. Anyways I had to say the name of a boy I liked and so I did; just at that moment there was a racket outside ( the boys had come to moosh us, thinking we were asleep). It was at this moment that I realized the mother of the boy I had just named was eavesdropping on us. Where is that button to open the floor?

It was egg shells after that, not a truly bad moment, just an odd moment, a VERY odd moment. I now had the task of ensuring that nothing I said around this woman made it seem as though I was looking to kidnap her son lol...back then we didn't say stalk, it was just kidnap and hideway.

All that to say that life often places us in situations where we feel obligated to suppress our 'true selves' or our true intentions (good ones ok...think happy thoughts jeez); this is not always a bad thing , might just work to our advantage in the long run.

If however, a situation makes you feel stifled or drained, makes you feel as though you are losing you- get out.

 Grab up yourself, and hug you long and hard.

 Don't lose you.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Have You ever thought of this Dri?? 'Civil Life' makes us feel as if we are walking on eggshells...well for me that is. There's always the rule that you must act civilised in public, at know?? We have to suppress or crazy, extremely funny side...not that that isn't a bad thing sometimes. Bit in truth and infact we are hardly ever ourselves, we must pinch in what we really want to say because of where we are or who we are around...only the bestest of friends would really know who you are. :) My 3 Cents.

  2. You said, there is a time and place for everything. It doesn't mean you are not being your true self; it simply means that you are cultured, that you have learnt the appropriateness or inappropriateness of certain behaviour, of certain actions, of certain words. So yes there will be a side of you that only close friends would know, and a side that your co-workers will know, and a side that your spouse would know. That to me is the way it should be, as a woman I think it could only add to my intrigue to my complexity, to my uniqueness. Every side I show makes me, me! All part of my 'true self'...I think if we see it that way we'll be ok.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well said. There's also a part of us known only to self and God which helps to support that uniqueness but also helps to keep us real.

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