Plan or Fail

There is an old saying that goes "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail". 

For years I struggled with writing essay plans simply because I did not seem them as important. I write, give me pen and paper and the words flow; I write.  Then a few years ago I decided to do an essay plan just for the heck of it, I still can not finish writing out an entire plan but I must say I prefer the way my essays 'shape up' after I have written a plan. The other good thing is, if I am distracted by the TV, hunger, or the urge to sleep :-) my thoughts are already on paper so it is easy for me to pick up where I left off.

Planning is a key element in the success of anything we attempt.  To formulate a plan is to ensure that you have a clear sequence of events to follow, it also means that you have thought about things that can go wrong and you have contingency plans along the way.  Planning helps to keep you calm, because after you have carefully planned the way to your desired end there will be few things that can really catch you off guard. 

I almost forgot one of the most important things about planning is that you first identify your desired outcome then you basically work 'backwards' from that spot, in other words you figure out where you want to be and then you figure out how to get there.  What is your goal/ are your goals are you doing what it takes to achieve them or are you just hoping that one morning you will wake up to find that you are where you would like to be?

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