Knock Out!

The truth about ourselves is never palatable.

Today I had cause to think about this, and it made me chuckle a bit, maybe it was me being mean I don't know.  So there I was dealing with an incident that escalated simply because someone couldn't man up and deal with me 'head on'; so to speak. I always figure that the best way to deal with situations is to battle them yourself, it is not about creating a confrontation but simply a matter of being woman or man enough to defend your position.  Of course we will all differ on this.

So in the end I was told, "you do not know how to speak to people" because apparently what I said had struck a nerve, in my head I heard myself say "No no, don't ever think that, it is not that I don't know how to speak to people; it is simply that I figure you do not deserve to be spoken to in any other way at this point". Just to say I try my best to always stay away from using profanity and today I was successful. 

Soon I started thinking about other things and other situations in which we sometimes figure that we "deserve" something or someone and when we are not granted what we deem ours we find faults within the universe rather than think, "Have I proven myself worthy of ...?". 

What are the things you believe you are worthy of and are you positioning yourself to get them or are you your worst enemy?

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