
Friends are the people who do not allow you to walk around with cold in your eyes and lettuce in your teeth.

Have you ever gone to the bathroom mirror smiled and noticed a piece of lettuce stuck neatly between two teeth in your front row and say; " I can't believe no one told me I had food in my teeth"? Then you start thinking of how many persons must have seen it and said nothing, and then you become embarrassed beyond measure . At some point in your life this has happened to you or it will happen to you, it is a good opportunity to decide who really has your best interest at heart.

Now let's look at the bigger picture, too many of us are walking around with characteristics/personality traits that act like lettuce in our teeth, everyone sees them but only a few will come up to us and say; "for your own development you need to work on this, you need to try to be early to functions, or try not to be too aggressive, or try to be more reliable, more...the list goes on and on. We have a decision to make at this point do we walk leave the lettuce where it is and try to talk in such a way that no one notices it or do we go to the bathroom and remove it.

What we decide on says a lot about our personalities, it tells whether or not we are able to sift through criticism and see that which would certainly benefit us or are we bent on being 'babied' and believe that the world is a magical place where everything should be sugar coated and we should be allowed to just glide right through it.  Harsh I know but it is a fact that not all criticism is meant to help us, however I believe in always weighing them for merit.

Friends are the ones who point out our errors in an attempt to make us better people but sadly most of us prefer to live in a Kingdom where everyone worships us...and so the Emperor struts around head held high in his birthday suit.

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