Potato Pudding

On Sunday I decided to make some potato pudding to satisfy my sweet tooth. I am also still going through my " Happy to see an oven" phase.

I got two large potatoes and began grating them on one of the small sides of the grater but that was taking too long so I tried a larger side. Well that just did not look right to me.

I grabbed the blender and dropped in my grated potatoes, hit the on button and soon they were down to what I thought was 'good pudding size'.

I added the other ingredients, greased my dishes and popped them into the oven.  My friend and I devoured the first pudding before it even cool off. It was a small dish...fo real it was.

The second I let cool and set; I did not regret the wait.

Often we begin our journey with one plan in mind but soon find that we have to change paths a bit. Never be so strong headed that you fail to see when it is time to switch to Plan to B. Always have a Plan B. 

Be assured that there will be times you just have to throw everything in the blender and wait. You will need to lean on someone else at some point in your life. People need people.

And, when all is done you just have to sit back and wait, be patient. Things have a way of working out if at times we just wait ...let them cook, and cool off.

I am one of the most impatient persons...I am working on that.

Have a little faith that with the right ingredients, and a dash of patience things will happen; then bring me a slice. 

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    You know your mom told us at a training seminar that patience is the fruit of the spirit she was working on.

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