So What

People will always be sizing you up- at work, at school, at play, and at home. So what?

Your have a few choices:

a. pretend to be weak so that they could feel  strong
b. ignore them and be you
c.ask them to  'get real'

I am sure there are others but... so what.

People are always going to feel threatened by that someone who exudes confidence. Do you then shy away from life and pretend that you are not worth the effort your parents, guardians, and teachers have put into you? Should you walk around with your head down as if you are ashamed of the fact that you push yourself constantly to achieve success?

The people who are proud of your achievements will always be a minority in the audience of your life the others will just be there simply to see you fall. Step cautiously.

Be who you are, enjoy your successes.

Take no one or nothing for granted, it doesn't pay to be cocky.

When you look in the mirror smile, your  hard work is paying off.

Some shallow individual is always going to size you up, so what...

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Pastora B says:

    First of all i didn't know you had your own blog and have actually gone into this sort inspiration, hmm, highly commendable. I think I may have to visit here often to see how much reading can be done and as to how i can be inspired or challenged. It's good to see you bringing a sense of change and renewal to the mind of women across the Caribbean and stirring them into success. I'm sure your effort is well received.


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