Take Control in 2012

I haven't written much in a bit and so I felt I should begin the new year with a bang but couldn't think about anything to write about. Anyone who writes would know that if you try thinking about something to write about, nothing comes, you just have to be patient and wait until a thought pops into your head that makes you run to pen and paper (I do things the old fashioned way).

I got up this morning and was having a morning/night conversation with a friend of mine in Taiwan and then it struck me; I need to remind all of us that we should grab 2012 by the horns and ride it for all it is worth. Women especially need to take control of things this year and beyond, of their families, of relationships with significant others, of careers, of academics...

This year should be the year to put a firm hand on those unruly children; to stop asking women to leave your man alone and simply walk away from the time waster; to ask for that position at work you have been working so hard towards, and if you don't get it there go and get it elsewhere if the chance arises; forget about that person who tells you that aren't bright enough to achieve academic excellence.

 Life is never easy so in 2012 surround yourself with people who encourage you, I have a few good friends who pull me up when I slip, and who encourage me when I am down, I plan to keep them closer this year.

Make 2012 the year of you, because you are worth all that and more!

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