On the violation of young girls...

I am reading the book "Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry- why women lose when they give in", by Lisa Bevere, it is taking me a while because job hunting is no easy task.

Anyhu here is a paragraph from the book I'd like to share with you.  From time to time I will share a few more.

"I was told stories of an abuse- so subtle you may mistake it as harmless: parents who watched movies filled with sexual promiscuity, innuendos, and often, partial nudity with their children in the shelter of their homes or beside them in the dark theatre. Young girls shared how uncomfortable they'd been watching this with their parents, especially with their fathers. They'd feel shame and fidget, then look at their parents and notice they weren't flinching.  After a few such movies or TV shows, they pushed the uncomfortable feelings away, buy were unable to see their parents in quite the same light.  It was as though by watching their father view the naked breasts of another woman presented in a sexually suggestive manner, their own virgin breasts had been uncovered. They left the experience feeling vulnerable and violated and not even knowing why."

Makes you think of a lot of things right?

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