Nah watch wha peeplo hav!

If you grew up in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines I am sure you are quite familiar with the expression " nah watch wha peeplo hav cause yo nah know how dem get e".  It is something you might have been told by your mother or some adult when you wanted that new .... one just like your friend's. 

It was a caution to many things-
To have an independent will
To be mindful of the finances within the home
To be thankful that you are being provided for despite...
To recognize that you must always try to live within your means and to understand your limitations
To be industrious and creative, learn to make what you have work for you

It is always a sad day when you learn of someone who might have ignored this lesson, but it is also a reminder to parents to be mindful of the way they raise their children. It is a reminder to us as young people to look in the mirror and examine the things we give priority to, the things we see as important and the value we place on self.

I have never been one to support any fashion trend but like anyone else I like to look "nice".  I take what ever little I have and I try to work with it.

People who grew up in the countryside would be familiar with another expression "not cause we poor the place must look nasty". 

That sums of everything I want to say, you might be poorer than the next person but it doesn't mean you can't still look "nice".

What do you value most, would you do just about anything to keep up with or out do the next person?

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