
We always tend to crave the things that are bad for us. The day I discovered I was allergic to strawberries the strawberry cheese cake parfait at KFC was never more tempting; I found myself wrestling with the thought of buying myself one just so I could have a spoonful, not even the entire thing lol.

Relationships are like that too sometimes, we often end up craving people and relationships that simply are not good for us.  We become so obsessed that all we forget all the reasons we left the relationship in the first place and drown ourselves in happy thoughts.  Soon we are at a point where we convince ourselves that the relationship wasn't that bad after all, and the next thing you know we are right back in it.

Sometimes these relationships work out and we end up in our forever love but often in less then two months or so we find ourselves trying to figure out how in the world did we get back in the mess. 

Cravings are never easy to kick to the curb, the need to satisfy them is always overwhelming.  What I do is the list the good and the bad whether mentally or on paper; if the good out weigh the bad I indulge but if not I try my best to suck it up and move on.

What are you craving today?

2 Responses so far.

  1. JL says:

    Mind over matter right? I just look for healthier alternatives and try to think of the long term benefits to me whether it be chocolate, wine or him....and every once in a while i give in only to be swamped in guilt after....the lows after giving in to cravings are never good...and that usually gives me the strength i need to not

  2. seems your head is screwed on right!

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