To My Sweetheart


I'll be you traditional wife. I'll cook, I'll clean (or at least try), wash your dirty clothes, iron them if you wish, take care of your children, help you entertain your friends, and of course entertain you too ;-).

Are you going to be my traditional husband?

Will you keep a level head at all times and seek God out in moments of doubt, and trust in him to give you the knowledge and the strength to keep our home together?

Will you go out each day to earn the needed cash to keep your wife and children comfortable and fed?

Do you promise to protect me (my body, my character...) at all times?

Do you promise to be a father to our children and to share with me the task of shaping them into men and women of strong positive characters?

Do you promise to not bring dishonour to our home and to our marital bed?

If you promise to do all of the above, and a little more (that I would whisper to you in private) then I will be your traditional wife.

If by chance you are unable to fulfil any of the roles listed above we might still have a happy  marriage, but this depends highly on your ability to compromise. 

You see honey if my duties start resembling yours then it is only fair that some of yours resemble mine.

I can not be your traditional and modern wife at once if you could only be my modern husband, think about it then get back to me.

Love always...

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