Leave Dat Rite Dey

Once time has passed that is it; it is no more.  You will only make it worse if you sit around and build up anger because a relationship/friendship has gone sour.  I always say once you have given it your all then so be it; you've done good.  Life is like that you will meet people who are worth your time and people who aren't.  It is a far better thing to recognize when someone isn't and move on to someone who might be.  Yes indeed it is all about taking chances.  In the pursuit of happiness nothing gets placed in your lap.

I can never understand why women stay in relationships for years and years that aren't going anywhere.  We might think that we are smarter than all men but at the end of the day and this is a fact- THEY ALWAYS KNOW WHAT THEY WANT AND WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET IT. So, you go ahead convince yourself that he taking he time and he soon straighten up.  Ah wish yo luck with that one!!  You should take that spirit of hope and invest it in someone who might be worth your time and stop playing the fool.
If you as a woman are unable to define your worth and are unable to see the man who is worthy enough to have you then you need a clout.  It is not about being vain, stuck up, over confident or anything so.  It is quite simply an understanding of all the hard work that has been put into you by you, your parents, mentors, educators,  friends and all other good people in your life into shaping you into the wonderful being you are today.  You have to see for yourself that you are a child of God and worthy of admiration, respect, care... There is no end to the good things that are supposed to come your way and when you find that someone you will see exactly what I mean because he will feel the same.

Stop settling because you think time running out, or because you figure you have some crime to do time for.  Leave dat rite dey!

July 14th 2008

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