
So every now and then I get an email from someone on Facebook that begins : "Hi Sexy" or "Hi  beautiful".

It upsets me every time I mean really really upsets me. It upsets me to the point where if the person is on my friends list I sometimes delete them, I say sometimes because on some days I am more tolerant than others.  Some of you might say oh it is just a compliment. Maybe to the person it is I am not sure.

What I am sure of however is that I don't try to sell my sex appeal nor my looks if is anything I care about is people taking me "seriously" and anyone who knows me would know this. It doesn't mean that some one can't pay me a compliment of course if I am wearing a new dress or whatever I would like someone to say; "Oh you look so beautiful today". What I don't want is for people to label me based on my physical appearance.

I know I am ranting here a bit maybe later on I will revise this but I trust I am making some sort of sense. 

I am just saying that I hate when men minimize me to a physical attribute, why not just say; "Hi Adriana"?

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