A few of life's lessons

Ever so often it is good to reflect on life (although I have been told I do so "too much") and to see how much you have grown.

The biggest lesson I have learnt is to never say never. When I was much younger there are things I thought I would never do, places I thought I would never go, things I thought I would never say, relationships I thought I would never be part of. HA! So much for saying never

Lesson number two is that nothing happens by chance, and so every opportunity that comes your way must be seized.

Lesson number three is that people can love each other, and when you find someone who loves you there will be no doubt in your mind that they do; and you will find loving them the easiest thing in the world to do. Despite all the ills they might have done, or the mistakes they might have made you will find yourself loving that person in the purest way possible.

Lesson number four is that not every person you date and think you will marry, you are going to marry. You have to know when to let go of relationships and people. You can not force someone to love you or to stay with you. I read somewhere that if people can walk away from you, let them walk it is that simple. Begging, crying, stalking,cursing,threatening will never make a relationship work. If they can find someone they love more than you then you can find someone who loves you more than they did.

Lesson number five age was born of a different mother than maturity so don't expect them to co-exist. It always amazes me how grown men and grown women act like children especially when it comes to issues of the heart. As Sharon put it there are no mistakes only lessons but too often we forget to study and fail to pass to the next level.

Lesson number six never be afraid of claiming the things you deserve as the saying goes if you don't look out for you who will. Seek to be wise enough to know the things that will benefit you, be bold enough to claim them and be brave enough to seek them out. Life is a race and everyone is trying to come in first, there are times when you have to run a little faster and pass a few people on the way. Ambition is not an enemy but she is often impersonated by greed be careful.

©Adriana S. King

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