Living Vicariously

There is always someone living vicariously through another person.

Parents live vicariously through their children as if somehow their children are their saviours. Get it right with their children and  their miserable existence is redeemed.

Friends live vicariously through each other. It is the safest way to live. Isn't it? If your friend succeeds you get to celebrate, jump and wave and enjoy their accomplishments. If your friend fails you get to be the shoulder to cry on, and your own life continues uninterrupted.

Are you living vicariously through anyone?

Are you still to accept your past for what it is?

Are you so afraid of failure, of not being good enough, that you rather push your own life aside to always be the cheer leader?

Being a cheer leader is not always a bad thing. However, if by being a cheer leader your own life remains stagnant, you never achieve greatness, you never fail, you never need to stop.

LIVE YOUR LIFE, let them live theirs.

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