A Good Christian Woman

I am always amused at how those of us who refer to ourselves as Christians chastise others for wrong doings while committing a wrong as well...lol yes I am judging.

It takes some sort of blindness to not see the faults within ourselves, and as it is written we must first remove the log from our own eyes before we try tackling the speck in our brother's eyes...or something like that.

Being human one thing is for certain we will never be perfect, so yes we will all make mistakes (those who love to judge and those who are being judged) we aught to be more mindful of this.

A Good Christian Woman aught to be able to keep her household in check and should try to conduct herself at all times in a manner that supports her claim of being "a Good Christian Woman" and if by chance she stumbles I pray she is wise and humble enough to seek forgiveness from those she has wronged and from her master.  The life of a Good Christian Woman is probably the hardest to live but one can always spot a sincere soul striving daily to live a pure life, such a person is usually quite cautious in interactions and is usually able to to steer clear of situations that would be bring their character into disrepute.

If you are a Good Christian Woman have a beautiful day and pray for us all.

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