The Best Hug

Today after work, I stood at LIME waiting for a van. We had a meeting at school so I was there quite late.

A car sped by, but stopped quickly. I turned to see what had caused them to stop.

Out pops one of my former students.

She comes over, "Good night Miss King, Happy belated birthday."

Then she gives me THE BEST HUG ever.

Why was it THE BEST HUG ever?

I didn't expect it. I did not ask for it. It was warm.

When was the last time you did something for someone simply because you saw them?

That hug turned my entire evening around. I was no longer tired and desperate to get home. I took a few gulps to keep the tears in and then...

I stood there feeling like a dollar bread with a red Ju-C to wash it down.

Life is such a beautiful thing and in the midst of it all we must always remember to give thanks for our blessings.

Some days will be harder than others, but there will always be hugs.

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