Marriage and Divorce

So  I got up this morning and I read a post by my bestie that started me thinking on …yes you’ve guessed it- Marriage and Divorce.

I sat down and I wrote a very long response ; I made sure I explained everything I said because I did not want to offend anyone. I lost internet connection and could not retrieve the entry yada yada yada
So you know what I am not writing anything long again here it is in a nutshell and uncensored :

Marry someone who makes you happy and someone who you could grow with and grow old with... Do not allow yourself to be pressured by church, family nor friends because in about 5 years you will wake up and realize that you have no idea who is sleeping next to you…if you still sleep together at all.

Stay in a marriage because it brings out the best in you. Stay because you love that person and your life is enriched because of them and the marriage. You do not stop being a mother or a father because you are no longer married, your children are always yours. Always remember too that children learn from example. If you teach your children how not to love, and how to suffer through life, what good are you doing?  Show your children what love IS, show them what it is to be fulfilled and to be happy…show them how to love themselves.

Never stop loving you and wanting the best for you. Society teaches us at times that there is something wrong in a husband or a wife who leaves a marriage because they were not happy. Most religions teach us to bare our crosses because we MUST suffer on earth. So married people should simply stay and pray for the spouse who abuses them. People should stay in their marriages because all marriages were ordained by God. I doubt God wishes for any of us to suffer through a marriage.

You do not give up on a person or situation overnight but never ever ever ever give up on you. Never stop believing that this one life you are given is supposed to bring you happiness!  Never stop loving you and wanting the best for you.

I know so many people who are truly happy with the spouse they have that I find it hard to believe that people would actually try to ‘force things’.

Let go of people and situations that do not enrich your life, you only get one. 

One Response so far.

  1. Mimi says:

    Thanks Dri. I'm sure the original direction wasn't towards me but I receive this message. Thank you

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