
Every now and then  while surfing the net I come across something that makes me go "hmm". It could be anything, a picture, an essay, a comment on a social network...anything. So below for your entertainment I have listed a few of the things that make me go "hmm".

Items are not ranked... :)

1. People who go on social networks to curse someone about not being 'classy'. hmm
2. People who often write; "pun intended", (often there is no pun present). hmm
3. People who comment; "how ironic", (reminds of that song by Alanis I think, again there is usually no irony). hmm
4. Having internet fights, (go ahead hit them with your CAPS LOCK). hmm
5.People who correct the use of English while making errors of their own ( I mean the very comment they use to lash out at someone is packed with mistakes). hmm
6. People who correct someone's English because they are at the losing end of an argument or have nothing to add to a discussion. hmm
7. The fact that people still continue to write "could of", "would of", and "should of". (leff me I am allowed to comment on this lol). hmm
8. People who post all their business online and then complain that people are in their business. hmm
9.People who vent online about past relationships, current relationships, and problems with their boss. hmm
10. Can't think of anything else to write right now. hmm
11. Oh! When Caribbean people seem stunned that an expression or action is not unique to their island. hmm
12. When Caribbean people are silly enough to claim that an expression or action is unique to their island without doing their homework. (you know the way some people are convinced their country-mates are the only ones that point with their lips, or "suck teeth"). hmm
13. When people attack the integrity of others and then appear to be in a state of shock when the person retaliates. hmm
14.People who spend 2 hours in the gym and then go straight to KFC for dinner. hmm
15. People who go out to lime but spend all night on their BB chatting on updating Facebook (note to self-ignore idle people on Whatsapp more lol). hmm 

To be continued...

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