Another by Jeneille Lewis

"Remember how you save me now/from all of my wrongs"

I want to write of love but my inks stills

Cause we’re not in love you see but he loves me

And I love him

Except he hasn’t told me this

And me being the pseudo non-emotional person that I am wouldn’t dare say it to him

And yet he fights my demons

Stands in the way of anything and anyone that tries to hurt me because his paramount desire is to make me happy

I know this because he said so


I believe him

You see

He’s done everything that he said he’d do and more

Pulls me into his arms and reaches out his finger to dry away each tear




And he makes me feel safe

Even if being in his presence is terrifying for some

With me…he’s a cuddly teddy bear

He hates when I say that but it’s true

I want to write of love but I don’t know how


He makes me change my opinion on men

He shows me that people, even though human

can make that choice to BE better people

and he gives me butterflies

soft, amazing fluttery feelings that increase every time we speak

and I love the way he laughs

like talking to me erases all the stress in the world

and he must be stress free

because, you see

we talk for hours upon end

even though we’re ‘just friends’

even though he hasn’t said so

and the pseudo non-committal person that I am wouldn’t dare label us

but he can trust me with his heart

and even though I haven’t told him this

I hope he believes me

Because I mean it

Because I want to write of love.

Click here to go to Jeneille's new blog

2 Responses so far.

  1. tulsibabi says:

    Awesome, so much talent. Really lovE tHis poem!

  2. As you can tell I love her work too. She awakens my spirit with each line.

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