Men and the need to be needed...
I have always been intrigued by men who appear 'well off' (sound education, lucrative career, a bit of common sense etc) who end up with girls who I and others might consider not their equal.� It isn't that these girls simply lack academic credentials so I think that they are inferior no it goes beyond that and rests mostly on deportment. The way a lady carries herself speaks volumes, so what if people think you are 'fresh' far better than being called 'slack' and 'uncultured'. Education can add to a woman's marketability in the mating game but let's face facts not every educated woman acts 'proper' or can be considered 'wife material' or 'mother material' which ever suits you.
So I have been observing this trend for a bit and I listen to my friends and their complaints etc and recently while conversing with an old teacher of mine the answer came- Men need to be needed it is as simple as that, and though many will deny that this is the answer; I really don't care lol.
One hand can't clap at least that's how most women see it and so they would look for a mate who can stimulate them on all levels and who most likely can provide for them and the children that might come. Most men though would rather pick that one girl who needs him... so what if his wife or girlfriend has a decent job, can make him think or can even push him to greatness why have all that when he can have the one girl who stretches out her hands when the relaxer needs touching up. Some might say oh these are not men they are just older boys with low self esteem...perhaps. The fact remains they hold 'good jobs' are probably in their late 30s, 40s or 50s and when anyone mentions their name at a social event the eyes start rolling and some brave soul bursts out "hmph whey he going with such and such; he can't even carry she no way round ppl". A harsh thing to say but don't lie to yourself you have heard it before or you have said it before.
So now when I hear this I simply smile to myself because if this need to be needed is a myth what is the real answer?
I have always been intrigued by men who appear 'well off' (sound education, lucrative career, a bit of common sense etc) who end up with girls who I and others might consider not their equal.� It isn't that these girls simply lack academic credentials so I think that they are inferior no it goes beyond that and rests mostly on deportment. The way a lady carries herself speaks volumes, so what if people think you are 'fresh' far better than being called 'slack' and 'uncultured'. Education can add to a woman's marketability in the mating game but let's face facts not every educated woman acts 'proper' or can be considered 'wife material' or 'mother material' which ever suits you.
So I have been observing this trend for a bit and I listen to my friends and their complaints etc and recently while conversing with an old teacher of mine the answer came- Men need to be needed it is as simple as that, and though many will deny that this is the answer; I really don't care lol.
One hand can't clap at least that's how most women see it and so they would look for a mate who can stimulate them on all levels and who most likely can provide for them and the children that might come. Most men though would rather pick that one girl who needs him... so what if his wife or girlfriend has a decent job, can make him think or can even push him to greatness why have all that when he can have the one girl who stretches out her hands when the relaxer needs touching up. Some might say oh these are not men they are just older boys with low self esteem...perhaps. The fact remains they hold 'good jobs' are probably in their late 30s, 40s or 50s and when anyone mentions their name at a social event the eyes start rolling and some brave soul bursts out "hmph whey he going with such and such; he can't even carry she no way round ppl". A harsh thing to say but don't lie to yourself you have heard it before or you have said it before.
So now when I hear this I simply smile to myself because if this need to be needed is a myth what is the real answer?