It Adds Up!!

So yesterday at Sports Day the common chant was- "Finish the race every point counts".

We always talk about the human race, the rat race, and would refer to life itself as a race; yet many of seem not to want to gain any points.

We start things and never finish them. We find reasons to quit just before we get to the finish line. We are so ashamed of finishing last that we rather not finishing at all.

Finish the race every point counts!

It might be some thing in your personal life, your professional life, your academic life, or your spiritual life, what ever it is just finish it.  Even if you are last in the race you would always be gratified that you have crossed the finish line and trust me, there will always be someone there to say - "well done".

It Adds up! All your accomplishments great or small help to shape you and in turn you could help to shape someone else.

Start the race and finish strong, if you can't finish strong... just finish.

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