Dating Taiwanese

"Dating a Taiwanese Man"

You know when your mind says to do something you really should .

Now I was invited to dinner by a Taiwanese university professor, he seemed decent enough so I accepted. The day came and there was no excitement in fact I hardly got out of bed all day. Oh by the way the day is today lol. Let's continue.
I got dressed early enough to be on time but started wasting time for whatever reason; eventually I had to let him know I would be a few minutes late. I did however , get to our meeting spot just about two minutes late. He was not there. I text Dianna and told her how upset I was but had to laugh to myself because I seriously could not remember what this guy looked like.

Finally we spot each other, exchanged greetings and headed to a local steak house. I was not impressed...seriously this was his idea of a "real nice restaurant". Well I sucked it up and we ordered.
The meals come and he asks me to guess the price of the my head I thought " Oh hell no!". I must say that sometimes I am shocked at how I am able to be calm. Well I guessed 140/180, he said 180 . Conversation continues then comes to an abrupt end when he said; "Your English is better than mine". Father help me! Again I smiled and responded in Chinese that English was my native tongue. He smiles, I do the mouth twitch.
More small talk.

Then he asks; "Have you ever dated a Taiwanese before?". I said yes there is this guy I hung out with a few times but we were just friends. Well here is where things get juicy. Stephen, that's his English name then asks "So did he pay when you go out?". Well I know all you ladies living in Taiwan laughing real hard now, cause I had to laugh too. I told him yes my friend paid and I asked him if that was not normal. He said no, not in Taiwan. So then I asked am I to pay for my own meal then , he said yes. Then I added you do know that you extended the invitation right (using small English words) . He hastily answered yes but I only pay for meals for my girlfriend, and then he added " you have a choice to say yes or to say no" ( don't ask me to explain just write that off as Chinglish, because I am confused also).

Well any Caribbean woman leaving her mother's house for the first time gets the lesson in ' vex money'. So, you know what I did, right then and there ain't even finish the half dead piece ah food lol ; I took out my purse paid for my meal and left without saying a word. I certainly was not going to sit there and have an argument about who to pay for my food. Lol

So yes ladies in Taiwan many of you have been wondering if those girls giving money to guys after their meals were actually paying their way, well now you know.

Now to all my male Taiwanese friends if you wish to take out a foreign girl but do not intend to cover her meal, it would be good to say this to her before she leaves her home...some might not know about "vex money".

Lol what an evening!

Vex money- A woman must always have enough money on her to pay her way on a date with enough left over for a taxi ride home (just in case).
180NT is about 6USD, roughly 16XCD

One Response so far.

  1. woah .... thats an experience!

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