My glass is half full!

My glass is half full because I figure if I were to go around thinking it were half empty I would always be tracking down that person who drank half my glass, now if I think it is half full then my focus will be on attaining what is needed to make it full.  That's my take on it!

I rather imagine a life full of possibilities and believe that I can accomplish things I set my mind to if I   make all adequate preparations, and if after all that I still don't get to where I should then I figure maybe that is not for me there must be something better.

There is enough evil and bad in this world to go around and even if I don't welcome it bad things might happen so do I live in fear or do I live in hope? I rather live in hope, I have seen people overcome great difficulties in life because they had a desire for something better and a will to go for it -come what may.

It is important for us to remember that when we share situations from our past that might have hurt us in any way to ask one question "Why am I sharing this now?" is it because I want to help this person or simply because I want to share my pain.  I think if we answer that honestly we might actually be able to do some good,  is our intention to help the person achieve their goals or is it simply to kill whatever measure of hope they have. True there are times when people often set unrealistic goals, but again, will your story help them to improve their now so that they can get to their future or would it leave them thinking there future is unreal and no matter what they do it could never be real. 

Let us never become so bitter and so resentful towards others and life that we stop living stop dreaming and cause others to do the same.

My glass is half full, not half empty!

2 Responses so far.

  1. Lisa says:

    my glass of experience and adventure is half full, but my heart is full of love.

  2. I like that Lisa. More power to you!

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