Be Proud!

There are two basic definitions of pride one is the satisfaction you get when you have accomplished something and the other has to do with when you think too highly of yourself. 

It is a bit tricky to find that half way point but the more I live is the more I believe that when it comes to describing someone else people will use the definition that makes them feel better about themselves. If you are kind to others, understand and appreciate how fortunate you are, and if you do the best you can to help others to also achieve great things then don't worry if a few people would rather use the latter definition.  It shows a lack of self-confidence on their part.

People pay thousands of dollars in therapy trying to develop self-confidence if you have it then more power to you.

If you know your strengths and weaknesses and work tirelessly to better the person you are- Be proud! If you set goals and you sweat day and night to achieve them; and do so in a manner that does not harm others or yourself ( I think you know what I mean) - Be proud! If you look back on YOUR yesterday and are amazed at how far you have gotten- Be proud! 

Too often we encounter people who are afraid to make bold moves; people who would rather sit back and wait for life to give them mercies, people who try tirelessly to make us feel as though we shouldn't be pleased with who we are or what we have, or have done. 

Know your worth and be proud of you!

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