The Blue Ribbon- Against Child Abuse
The month of April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Child abuse is nothing new to any of us, for some it has been or is a situation that is quite 'real'.
Everyday a child somewhere is the victim of emotional, psychological, physical or sexual abuse. Perhaps the worse part of the scenario is the fact that children are often abused by those who are entrusted with their care, parents, guardians, teachers, baby sitters...
You might not be able to protect every child against abuse but what do you do when you become aware of a child who is being abused? Do you turn a blind eye and walk on consoling yourself that "someone else will do something"?
You can not determine the stance taken by anyone else to stop child abuse but you can decide today what YOU are going to do.
The following link is to a very powerful poem written through the eyes of an abused child.