Yvette Daniel


Yvette Daniel, my mother and my best-friend may appear to be just an ordinary person to others but to me and to all who knows her she’s a queen and definitely the strongest person I know.
Though she was not born in the best of circumstances, she fought her way through the obstacles and apparent dead ends of life to become the educated, intelligent, wise and God-fearing woman she is today.

At this present time she is the Human Resource and Administration Manager at Central Water and Sewerage Authority where she is respected and admired by all. Best known for her ever-present smile and her ability to remain calm and level headed in even the worst of situations, she goes about her day helping others in any way she can. Whether it may be listening to a friend, co-worker or even a total stranger, or guiding her two children in their life decisions, whether it is driving the youths of her church to a practice or recital or just helping out in the drama and dance practices, her presence is ever felt and appreciated. She never turns anyone down and will give you the shirt off her back if she knew you needed it. She even goes as far as to sometimes opening her home to others when they need a place to stay.

At an early age in her life, she has known loss, first her father and then later on her husband who left her with two young children to raise, the oldest just five years old, the other a three month old baby. Although she could have said she could not have done it or wallowed in self-pity , she did all she had to do to ensure that she raised her two young kids in a God-fearing manner, ensuring they went to church regularly, and instilling good family morals and values in them. She ensured they never wanted for anything and that they were so surrounded with love that they never felt that they were missing or lacking anything.

She is an active member of the Lions’ Club Kingstown S.V.G, she can always be seen on the frontline when it comes to assisting the less fortunate persons in society and other contributions made by the club to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. She is also a congregational steward at the Arnos Vale Methodist Church and sits on many of their committees. She is a believer in fairness and that there is a bit good in everyone, even those considered the worst in our society and would address both strangers in the street, homeless and the respected in society in the same caring manner.

Family and friends know that they can always count on her assistance in their lives whether it be personal problems or just when they may need someone to speak to. She is always willing to give you the boost of confidence you need.
As we recognize the strong Caribbean women, I am proud to have been the one to let you know about Yvette Daniel, mother, sister, confidante, role model, aunt, friend, a strong beautiful child of God, a superwoman. She has always, and continues to touch and be a blessing to the many persons who are lucky enough to be blessed with her presence in their lives. Yvette Daniel, my mother, my best friend, my role model.

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