Marcelline Chitolie is the founder and President of Etiquette and Protocol Academy in St. Lucia which was launched in January, 2011. She helps children and adults raise their etiquette and protocol image so that they have confidence in any social or business setting. Executives, young professionals and students learn vital skills to avoid social blunders and make favourable impressions in any environment. Fast paced, interactive, fun courses are offered in Children’s Etiquette, Teen Etiquette, Techno Etiquette, Interviewing Etiquette and Protocol.
Marcelline spent many years working in the human resources field as a former regional officer with the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States. She served for many years in a wide variety of positions including finance and external relations. She also has had many years of experience in protocol and became the organization expert on etiquette and protocol. She has also trained staff in etiquette and protocol in the private and public sector. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management Studies and Masters of Business Administration. She is the Management Consultant for the firm TMAC (Tax, Management and Accounting Consultants) in St. Lucia. She is also the owner of Simply Natural Health Shop and is currently completing her Masters in Natural Health.
She recently was certified by the Society of Etiquette Trainers in the USA. She is the proud mother of two grown sons who are testimony to her etiquette and protocol skills.