Maybe it is because of the type of literature I was exposed to at an early age, maybe it is because I could spend hours at a time reading about issues that affect women and children around the world, maybe it is because I am a teacher, maybe it is because people tell me things without me asking, maybe it is because...
I could go on and on and on, at the end of the day I still will not be able to figure out how I am able to see things that some people can't.
Is it that they really can't see?
Is it that teachers and nurses are the only ones who are able to see the rape and sexual exploitation of young girls?
When a man could threaten to kill an entire family because a daughter who was sold to him for $500 was later sold to another man, can we then turn around and ask if girls are sold into prostitution in St. Vincent and the Grenadines?
When the man who rapes and impregnates a twelve year old is not revealed to the police because of the fact that he dates the mother and is the only breadwinner in the house, isn't that a form of prostitution? Wasn't that child sold for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Why is it so hard for persons to believe that fathers rape their own daughters here and are never charged when some children have to refer to their grandfather as daddy?
Is it that we can't see what is happening around us or that we care not to see because to admit that we see the wrongs being done would be to admit that we are worst than animals because we refuse to act, we refuse to help these children?
#aloneandvulnerableinSVG #saveSVGonegirlatatime