It is no lie that young children are violated by men AND women.
However, it appears to me that men tend to be in the majority as it relates to sex offenders.
Recently, I've had a few short conversations with some men I admire and one thing they've all said has stuck with me- men are needed in the fight to end the sexual exploitation of women and children.
For years now the only persons to highlight this issue have been women.
Maybe it is because of the type of literature I was exposed to at an early age, maybe it is because I could spend hours at a time reading about issues that affect women and children around the world, maybe it is because I am a teacher, maybe it is because people tell me things without me asking, maybe it is because...
I could go on and on and on, at the end of the day I still will not be able to figure out how I am able to see things that some people can't.
Is it that they really can't see?
Is it that teachers and nurses are the only ones who are able to see the rape and sexual exploitation of young girls?
When a man could threaten to kill an entire family because a daughter who was sold to him for $500 was later sold to another man, can we then turn around and ask if girls are sold into prostitution in St. Vincent and the Grenadines?
When the man who rapes and impregnates a twelve year old is not revealed to the police because of the fact that he dates the mother and is the only breadwinner in the house, isn't that a form of prostitution? Wasn't that child sold for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Why is it so hard for persons to believe that fathers rape their own daughters here and are never charged when some children have to refer to their grandfather as daddy?
Is it that we can't see what is happening around us or that we care not to see because to admit that we see the wrongs being done would be to admit that we are worst than animals because we refuse to act, we refuse to help these children?
#aloneandvulnerableinSVG #saveSVGonegirlatatime
I am single because I hate men. No, I don't but apparently many people think I do because I have a blog and a Facebook page on which I raise issues that affect women and children. I guess it is wrong for someone to talk about things that affect them personally. I am a woman and I am a mother and a teacher so why won't I focus on issues that affect women and children?
On a more serious note though people, men, men usually ask, "How come you ain't married yet?", "How come you still single?", "Are you single because you too picky?"
So, hopefully after I have written this I could just direct people, men, I could just direct men to my blog for the answers to those questions.
Here goes...
I am not married because the first engagement went sour and the only other person to have popped the question is now married and I am not even sure he was serious. I mean who asks someone to marry them the very first time they actually talk to each other. We are still very good friends. :)
I am still single because the men I've dated fell short in some way or another. No, I am not bashing my exes, and I am not throwing shade. It is what it is...I am sure when they look back on their exes me included they would say the same thing. After all who lets go of 'the one'? No one does. We date because we are looking for that one person who we figure we could tolerate for the rest of our lives and until we find them we keep on dating. When we find them we do what it takes to keep them in our lives... that usually involves some vows and a ring...
Am I too picky? Maybe I am. Why would I open up myself and my world to just any and anyone. You have to prove that you are worth my time. I need to see ambition, loyalty, respect, kindness, love for self and others...and many other things I won't put on here because men have a way of showing you what you want to see.
Then there is my 'Three Year Plan' ask any of my exes about my three year plan, then when you are done laughing come and ask me what it really entails. The long and short of it though...all circumstances being normal and manageable I am of the opinion that we date people with the intention of getting married and if there is no intent to get married then there should be a commitment to continue to the quest. Dating is a process if the outcome is more dating then you are doing it wrong. Oh, and these forever engagements don't work for me either, an engagement is the time in which you plan your don't need 8 years to plan a wedding.

Any questions?
On a more serious note though people, men, men usually ask, "How come you ain't married yet?", "How come you still single?", "Are you single because you too picky?"
So, hopefully after I have written this I could just direct people, men, I could just direct men to my blog for the answers to those questions.
Here goes...
I am not married because the first engagement went sour and the only other person to have popped the question is now married and I am not even sure he was serious. I mean who asks someone to marry them the very first time they actually talk to each other. We are still very good friends. :)
I am still single because the men I've dated fell short in some way or another. No, I am not bashing my exes, and I am not throwing shade. It is what it is...I am sure when they look back on their exes me included they would say the same thing. After all who lets go of 'the one'? No one does. We date because we are looking for that one person who we figure we could tolerate for the rest of our lives and until we find them we keep on dating. When we find them we do what it takes to keep them in our lives... that usually involves some vows and a ring...
Am I too picky? Maybe I am. Why would I open up myself and my world to just any and anyone. You have to prove that you are worth my time. I need to see ambition, loyalty, respect, kindness, love for self and others...and many other things I won't put on here because men have a way of showing you what you want to see.
Then there is my 'Three Year Plan' ask any of my exes about my three year plan, then when you are done laughing come and ask me what it really entails. The long and short of it though...all circumstances being normal and manageable I am of the opinion that we date people with the intention of getting married and if there is no intent to get married then there should be a commitment to continue to the quest. Dating is a process if the outcome is more dating then you are doing it wrong. Oh, and these forever engagements don't work for me either, an engagement is the time in which you plan your don't need 8 years to plan a wedding.

Any questions?
You've kept your standards high. You've kept your ambition and drive high also. You've done all the things you've wanted to do or you are in the process of completing a few.
You look at yourself and you figure, I am ready now.
Ready for what?
You look at yourself and you figure, I am ready now.
Ready for what?
I found this article and decided to save it here. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
10 Reasons Why Most Men Can’t Handle A Deep Woman
Click here for the original post
The deeper you are, the harder it becomes for you to find someone who wants to have a relationships with you. You can go out on a lot of dates but at some point the relationship fails to progress any further and that is mainly because of the intensity of your depth. Not every man is strong enough to handle a deep woman. Here’s why:
The more and more I talk to women who are working towards purposeful and successful lives is the more I ask myself, "What's the difference between an independent woman and a gold digger?"
There really isn't much of a difference.
There really isn't much of a difference.
Dating is hard. You never know if to say, "yes" or "No" to an outing. You worry about not liking the person and or being bored to death.
Dating is hard when you are alone but it becomes harder when you are trying to do right by a your child.
Dating is hard when you are alone but it becomes harder when you are trying to do right by a your child.
Never apologize for having life and relationship goals.
Goals help us to stay focused and to work towards the things we think we truly
deserve. They keep us accountable to ourselves and help us to reject things and
people with no means/intentions of making our lives better. Your life goals are
the reasons you work as hard as you do, they are perhaps the reasons you seek
to better yourself. Relationship goals help you to remain true to you, they
help you in finding someone who is compatible and help you to know when someone
values you as much as they say they do.
Your destiny does not
lie in a man or woman who walks away from you.
If someone is unable to walk through life with you then it
probably means that their life goals and yours are not the same. Simply put-
you are not compatible. You can’t force people to share your vision for
yourself. You simply need to have faith that one day you will meet someone who
has the same vision for their life as you do for yours…then you could sit and
plan a course of action for world domination. *insert evil laugh
Saluting International Women’s Day
06.MAR.09Thirty-five years ago, International Women’s Day (IWD) was first commemorated in this country.
Then, even before the United Nations first observed the event, the women of St.Vincent and the Grenadines, connected with progressive organizations, came together at the Peace Memorial Hall in Kingstown to mark and celebrate the occasion. It was a brave act by these courageous young women, especially considering that in those days the issues of women’s rights were highly contentious ones and women were not well received in discussing these matters. Hats off, therefore, to those early pioneers, with women like Adrienne King, of Marriaqua, Hyacinth Charles, then resident in Kingstown, Ingrid O’Marde (née Williams) and the late Earlene Horne, of Diamonds, all playing prominent roles. Incidentally, none of the first three resides any longer in the land of her birth.
In stepping forward and calling on their sisters to stand up for their rights, those early pioneers were carrying on a long tradition of the struggle for women to be accorded their rightful places in society. IWD itself had its roots in such struggles. On March 8, 1857, garment workers in New York, tired of brutal exploitation in dingy factories, staged a strike for improved working conditions, equal rights and a 10-hour working day (days of 12-14 hours were then the norm). As was typical of the times, the strike was broken up by police and the leaders faced persecution. Fifty-one years later, on March 8, 1908, over 15,000 women in New York marched in memory of the 1857 actions, and two years later the second International Conference of Working Women held in Copenhagen, Denmark, proclaimed March 8 as International Women’s Day. By 1911, more than a million women in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland organized activities to mark the occasion. The women’s movement has not looked back since.
I am sure you have been warned- Tell a lie and you will have to tell another to cover up and then another and another...
In short we are never able to tell a single lie, there is bound to be a ripple effect.
There is a saying that goes something like this- When yo could hide from a teef yo cyant hide from a liar.
Lies have a way of spreading and they spread fast. Gossip mongers love to hear bad things about someone.
A lie could ruin your reputation, cause you to lose opportunities and people.
To survive a lie you have to be strong enough to to shake it off, to simply ignore it. We are not meant to fight every battle. Some things and people should just be left to themselves; they more often than not self-destruct.
Those people who would be an asset to you and your journey will be able to look past the lies and see the real you...have no fear.
What is for a man he will get.
In short we are never able to tell a single lie, there is bound to be a ripple effect.
There is a saying that goes something like this- When yo could hide from a teef yo cyant hide from a liar.
Lies have a way of spreading and they spread fast. Gossip mongers love to hear bad things about someone.
A lie could ruin your reputation, cause you to lose opportunities and people.
To survive a lie you have to be strong enough to to shake it off, to simply ignore it. We are not meant to fight every battle. Some things and people should just be left to themselves; they more often than not self-destruct.
Those people who would be an asset to you and your journey will be able to look past the lies and see the real you...have no fear.
What is for a man he will get.
As a child I enjoyed reading.
I read EVERYTHING! I wasn't forced to read, I just read. I watched T.V. too... lots of it... during school vacations and on weekends. Television on schooldays was a 'luxury'.
Today I am glad I read as much as I did, because I often amaze myself and my students when I am able to talk about things that I should know little about.
As a teacher of English, I always tell students and parents that the key to becoming a great English student is to read.
I read EVERYTHING! I wasn't forced to read, I just read. I watched T.V. too... lots of it... during school vacations and on weekends. Television on schooldays was a 'luxury'.
Today I am glad I read as much as I did, because I often amaze myself and my students when I am able to talk about things that I should know little about.
As a teacher of English, I always tell students and parents that the key to becoming a great English student is to read.
Tonight I was talking to this guy who said something about liking the way I think and the fact that I seem to have plans.
He doesn't know it but even now at this weird hour in the morning I am still thinking about what he said.
I was about thirteen years old when my aunt sent me a book on success, a few years later I plastered the wall of my fifth form classroom with some quotations from the book, the one closest to my desk read- "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
I plan everything, and I plan for the failure of my plans too... :)
There is no harm in planning, and little harm in dreaming.
Sometimes dreams are all we have to push us to do better for ourselves and or others.
Plan, make room for big things to happen in your life, because you never know...
He doesn't know it but even now at this weird hour in the morning I am still thinking about what he said.
I was about thirteen years old when my aunt sent me a book on success, a few years later I plastered the wall of my fifth form classroom with some quotations from the book, the one closest to my desk read- "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
I plan everything, and I plan for the failure of my plans too... :)
There is no harm in planning, and little harm in dreaming.
Sometimes dreams are all we have to push us to do better for ourselves and or others.
Plan, make room for big things to happen in your life, because you never know...
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- CaribbeanWomenInCharge!
- Kingstown, St. Vincent & Grenadines
- Living and Learning!! I would love to hear your opinion on anything I have written so please do leave a comment; and if there is anything you would like for me to write on just drop me an email. Do come back to visit. :-) Thanks for the push Hollis Roberts and for your hard work! Bless, Adriana King