10 Tips For Better Business Writing

Susan Adams, Forbes Staff

The ubiquity of e-mail means that everyone in business, from lords of finance to programmers who dream in code, needs to write intelligently. By using simple, clear, precise language, and following a few other basic writing rules, you can become a better communicator and improve the prospects for your career.
“Clarity is the most important characteristic of good business writing,” says Mignon Fogarty, creator of the “Grammar Girl Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing” podcast. “Often businesspeople will use big $10 words because they want to sound intelligent. Instead, they end up sounding like they’re trying too hard.”

Business Writing

Posted by Adriana
It never ceases to amaze me that most people believe you must pick a side. I would support anyone I think is in the right but ultimately I support what is right. If both parties are in the wrong it is never a toss up between who I like more; it becomes a matter of appealing to reason, and creating a win-win situation.

Win-win situations are never easy to come by because as I said before people are always looking to be sided with...everybody wants to be the victim.


Choose One

Posted by Adriana

10 toxic types you shouldn’t date


Five toxic male archetypes for women to avoid:

1. Peter Pan. At first, you’re confused; he’s over 30 and (physically, at least) looks his age. And yet, there’s something about him that reads “college dorm” and “secretly wearing green tights beneath his Dockers.” You’ve found Mr. “I’ll never grow up,” otherwise known as Peter Pan — someone who can handle the superficial issues life throws at him, but don’t dig too deep looking for a strong connection, commitment, or an equally mature partnership from him. Toxicity permeates the relationship when you’re the only one who stays grounded, spinning your wheels, and wondering why you can’t land him the way you’d hoped to while he flies off to Neverland again. He’s fun, but if you think that will translate into a long-term relationship, you’re only kidding yourself. 

Related: Is he the wrong man for you?

Toxic Male Archetypes

Posted by Adriana

Tips for Perfecting Your E-mail Etiquette

   June 14, 2010

Do you have bad netiquette? In other words, are you appalling colleagues with your awful e-mail manners? Clean-up your act with these etiquette tips from the experts.
In the age of the Internet, you might find yourself clicking "reply," typing up a quick response, and hitting "send" without giving so much as a thought about what you've just written. But experts agree that your e-mail behavior has the potential to sabotage your reputation both personally and professionally. Inc.com got in touch with some of the industry's most seasoned e-mail experts and had them weigh in on how to perfect your e-mail etiquette.

Email Etiquette

Posted by Adriana
The world is a confusing place and boy girl relationships simply make things worse. :)

Ok ignore the smiley face I am quite serious.

I have been listening to Pink's "Just Give Me a Reason", and every time I play it the line "we're just bent, not broken" sticks with me . The song goes on to say "we can learn to love again".

I believe though that there are two things you cannot force- love and compatibility.

Now before I ramble on and on the question is this- "When do you consider a relationship bent and not broken?


Learn to Love Again

Posted by Adriana

5 Body Language Tips to Increase Your Curb Appeal

A long time before your performance proves them right or wrong, people will have made an emotional decision about whether to follow you, trust you, or even listen to you. They’ll do that by evaluating your curb appeal.

In The Political Brain, Drew Weston talks about curb appeal as one of the main determinants of electoral success. According to Weston: “Curb appeal is the feeling voters get when they ‘drive by’ a candidate a few times on television and form an emotional impression.” For years now, I’ve noted that people judge business leaders in much the same way.

So a question I frequently ask my clients is: What’s your personal curb appeal? How do team members, customers and colleagues feel about you when they “drive by” your office a few times, observe you in the corporate hallways, or attend meetings you lead?


Body Language

Posted by Adriana