Happy New Year and all that jazz

I am not one for making New Year resolutions because I think that if you wish to change something in your life you will just do it; you don’t need a new year to do so. I do understand that some people just need to mark an ‘official’ start time, and I respect that. Now, after saying all that I made a resolution- to blog more.  J

So here beginneth … hmm not sure if that is a double n or not…oh well

A friend of mine called me today to look at a post on Facebook . She felt it was in poor taste, and oddly amusing , I am yet to determine how I feel about the post. Let me explain.

There is this young lady boldly proclaiming that she is praying to find a man, I rather not use spouse because that could be man or woman… so yes she is praying to find a man in 2013.

Is that faith in God or desperation?

To pray for a man I suppose is not a bad thing in itself, most of us desire companionship.

To post it on Facebook…hmm         

To post it on Facebook might be seen as an advertisement to some- “Pick me! Pick me!” Perhaps that is her intention to announce her availability some cultures have ceremonies in which the entire town is ‘told’ - this girl is ready to find herself a man/husband.

Being a single woman I can’t help but to think of the amount of freaks she would receive emails from.  I have never once announced that I am looking for a man yet there are days I have to wonder am I wearing a sign that says-  “Pick me! Pick me! Plllleeeaasseeee  pick me!”

I guess some of us just like to be pursued…by eeeeeeeeverrrry one.

Are you looking for a man/woman in 2013? LoL

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