We tend to worry about the things we say and about the things we do, but sometimes what hurts people most are the things we don't do, or the things we don't say.
For example, saying, "I am sorry". Some people find it easier to say "I love you", while others simply avoid saying both.
We find ourselves in situations where we should act or where we should speak out about an injustice done to to someone else and we don't. We are often involved in ticklish situations where we are called upon to 'stand up' but we don't.
We are our brother's keeper!
Today it might be them but tomorrow it might be you. What would you want their reaction to be, action or inaction?
Inaction sometimes not only affects the injured party but it could also have a ripple effect causing pain to many others. I am not saying that we should be fight every battle we are thrown into.What I AM saying is that we should not become "the coward of the County".
Our inaction might be as a result of shock, but at some point we will get over that, what we do then matters.
Someone might need you to stand beside them today, are you ready?