I Give Up!

So yesterday my friends and I were getting a good laugh from a TV show, but one thing the host said that resonated was this: "Sometimes the worse part of trying to save a relationship is that you do".

Think about it for a second....

We sometimes refuse to give up on relationships because we have invested so much in the person, so much in the relationship, or have really high hopes that the future will make every thing better. In our eyes the person has potential, or the relationship has potential, or both. Then sometimes we simply figure we love this person too much to be able to love, or want someone else; so we hold on and fight to work things out. For those of us who are banking on the success of a new relationship we ignore all the warning signs and just keep reminding our selves this person will make a good husband (or wife) some day.

Sometimes you need to give up!

If you have given it your all and things are not improving then perhaps it is time you give up. It takes two to make a relationship work, what is the other person doing? Are they fighting as hard as you are. Are they as committed as you are to turn things around? If you are the only person fighting to keep a relationship afloat you might need to give up. A broken heart heals. Life goes on and who knows maybe there is something greater waiting for you and the more time you spend fighting to keep a relationship that has failed the less time you have to enjoy the new romance that is waiting around the corner of disappointments, after the pot holes of doubt.

New relationships are quite tricky too. You just never know, right? The early hiccoughs might be just that...sometimes they aren't. We have to be brave enough to look at things as they are and bold enough to make the necessary choices. For instance if you are at a stage in your life where you are ready for something serious, for a committed relationship and that significant other isn't, you can't force them. People will grow at their own pace and you just have to accept that. Maybe you need to give up and find someone who is on the same road as you are, who sees the future in the same way you do, and is working towards the things you are fighting for.

We are often told don't give up...give it some time... wait, things will work out.

Things don't always work out, and when the truth is eye balling you, honey, it might be time to give up.

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