Mistakes Little Girls Make

There are few women who want to be everything like their mother's as much as we may admire these women in our lives many of us try our hardest to avoid being too much like them.

Most times we see our mothers as strong women, but we also see them as frail human beings who have made a few mistakes of their own; mistakes in career choices, men, the way they raised us or didn't raise us.  The amount of mistakes we can list I think tells more of our personal development than anything else.

We sometimes try so hard to not make the mistakes our mother's made that we end up making bigger mistakes, worse mistakes.  We want bigger careers, better paying jobs, men who treat us better, better relationships with our children; but what are we doing to accomplish these things. Sadly, most of us are only making our own mistakes, mistakes that if juxtaposed with our mother's will only show us how foolish we are or  have been.

I am not sure how this could be avoided, but if you can think of something let me.

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